RCGP’s Green Impact for Health Toolkit and Awards 2023
Marazion Surgery has been working towards the Royal College of General Practitioner’s Green Impact for Health Award and we are pleased to have achieved the Bronze Award in 2023. We will continue to work towards Silver and then Gold in the future.
Green Impact for Health is delivered by Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK) and general practice volunteers led by Terry Kemple (Past President RCGP, and the current RCGP representative for Sustainability, Climate Change and Green issues). The programme is designed to provide practical advice and tips to general practices across the UK, that want to improve their sustainability.
This toolkit helps General Practices in the UK make better decisions in this climate and ecological emergency. The NHS is responsible for 4-5% of the UK’s carbon footprint. This toolkit can help general practice improve sustainability, reduce harmful impact on planetary health, adapt to the risks of climate change and reduce practice expenses. The toolkit focuses on all areas of sustainability and answers the question – ‘What can you do in your practice?’